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Espagnolette Oo D22 Rozmiar 150 Wysokość osadzenia klamki Espagnolette Variable 2-Cam 9,5Mm
17,32 €
(Net, excl. taxes, plus shipping costs.)
  • Wysokość czopa 9,5 mm
Espagnolette Oo D22 Rozmiar 150 Wysokość osadzenia klamki Espagnolette Variable 2-Cam 9,5Mm

Information on product safety

We would like to point out that the installation/replacement of components/accessories must be carried out properly by a specialist or specialist company. We do not accept any liability for personal injury or property damage resulting from improper installation/replacement.

Manufacturer's information:
Roto Frank
Window and Door Technology GmbH
Wilhelm-Frank-Platz 1, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany

Installation, repair:

  • Installation/replacement of components/accessories and their repair/maintenance must only be carried out by a specialist or specialist company. Risk of death or serious injury due to improper installation or repair work!
  • Only hardware combinations or accessory parts approved by the hardware manufacturer may be used.

Cleaning, care, maintenance:

  • Fittings must be cleaned regularly.
  • Moving parts and locking points must be lubricated regularly.
  • Fittings must be serviced regularly, at least once a year. A specialist company should be consulted. Depending on the use of the building, shorter maintenance intervals may be prescribed.

Further information on the safety instructions is enclosed with the products and can additionally be accessed here.

Product details

Materiał ościeżnicy Aluminium, Drewno, PVC
System okuć Outward Opening
Dornmas [mm] 22
Rozmiar [mm] 150 
Rolki ryglujące Typ zamka P
Wysokość osadzenia klamki [mm] Środkowy/zmienny
Rolki ryglujące Ilość 1
Zakres stosowania [mm] 150 − 240

Detailed Description

Zasuwnica Roto montowana jest w skrzydle po stronie klamki. Przekładnia przenosi ruch obrotowy z klamki na system okuć i zapewnia otwieranie i zamykanie okna.

All numbers at a glance

Artikelnummer 387895
Old material number TS6627

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